Friday & Saturday stay required on weekends

Built for John C. Dolon; banker for the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company, founding member of the Second National Bank of Mauch Chunk, and jeweler… this home displays the Queen Anne Victorian style of the day while unabashedly flaunted the wealth of America’s Industrial Era. Architect T. Roney Williamson designed the home in his signature Queen Anne Victorian style- demonstrated by the large amount of light in the home, the decorative brick work on the chimneys and the bold use of turrets. Williamson’s work was typically residential, however he also did the Dimmick Library here in town.
In 1927, James Dougherty, the town doctor, purchased the home. He and his family resided in the house, which also served as home for his medical practice. There is hardly a local to this day that has not been in ‘5 West’, as it is referred to, to see the good doctor.
The greatest gift of the house is the preservation of the original stained glass and hand carved woodwork that remain untouched by time. True masterpieces, we feel blessed to be their caretakers for future generations!